Thursday, February 5, 2009

One week to go......oh my.

Hey.....7 days from now my surgery will be over with and I should be in the recovery room. I'm so nervous I could spit. I'm tryin to get my house all in order so it wont be a mess when I get home. And right now it seems like the more I work on the house the messier it gets. I'm driving myself nuts. Josie is worried about surgery. She wants to go up with us. I wish I could let her, but we hafta get up REALLY early to get to the hospital on time, and if she is there she will just worry. She is quite the worry wort for being all of 6 years old.

I wander what the world sounds like. I have seen other people say that when you have your external processor and finally get your "ears turned on" that it is extremely noisy. I wonder if things will sound the way I remember. Well I have to say I really don't remember alot about what things sound like. I know that sounds silly.....but it's true. I dont remember what Jay sounds like or anyone else for that matter. I just wanna hear it.

If I can just get thru surgery and recovery everything else will be uphill. I know I'm just rambling....but I just cant help myself.


  1. Bobbi, It doesn't sound silly at all that you don't remember sounds. I know exactly what that is like! It's so wonderful to have the sound back! Surgery is not fun but sometimes it's just what we have to do. I was really scared the first time, second time not so bad. You'll do fine. Hang in there and try to relax.

  2. Janet..

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Keep ur ears crossed for

